Ansorena 425 local 4 · Pucón · Chile · · · Telefon/Fax (56) 452444040 · Mobile phone (56) 9-93536886
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Chiletur Copec (Turistel)
Historische Karten
Andere Herausgeber
Ganz Chile
(Arica bis Los Vilos)
(Los Vilos bis Chillán)
Südliches Zentralchile
(Chillán bis Pto. Montt)
(Südlich von Pto. Montt)
(Mendoza bis Bariloche)
(El Bolsón bis T. Fuego)


Andes Profundo:

Es handelt sich um eine neue Kartenserie speziell gedacht für Bergsteiger und Tourenskifahrer. Ihr bedeutendstes Merkmal ist die farbliche Abstufung zur Darstelleung der Hangneigungen. Die Karten sind kleinformatig und passen in jede Jackentasche. Sie werden auf spezielles Papier gedruckt, das sehr wiederstandsfähig und wasserresistent ist. Die Karten konzentrieren sich auf den zentralen Teil des Berges und sind in grossem Massstab zwischen 1:20'000 und 1:35'000 angefertigt. Für GPS-Nutzer sind die wichtigsten Koordinaten wie Gipfel, Schutzhütten, Strassenende, etc. aufgeführt.
Im Moment existieren Titel hauptsächlich von den Vulkan zwischen den Regionen Araucanía und Los Lagos, aber es sind auch einzelne Berggipfel um Santiago erhältlich; weitere befinden sich in Arbeit. Bei Bedarf fragen Sie uns nach bestimmten Bergen.
Neben der Serie "Andinismo" sind auch einige Titel für normale Wanderer erhältlich. Diese weisen einen Masstab von 1:50'000 und ein grösseres Format auf, sind aber ebenfalls auf wasserresistentem Papier gedruckt.

Cerro El Plomo

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 7.500

Routes to the mountains Plomo, Leonera, La Parva, Pintor, Bismark, Klatt and Polvareda. It shows the refuges, camps, lifts and ski centers Farellones, El Colorado, La Parva and Valle Nevado.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails.

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:30,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

El Morado

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 7.500

Trail to Mirador del Morado and ascent routes of the mountains Morado, Morado Sur, Unión, Chacaya, Arenas and Punta Ventana. Baños Morales, Lakes Morales, Morado and Rubillas. Campsites and climbing areas.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails.

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:35,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Cerro Marmolejo

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 8.500

Normal Route from Marmolejo base camp, Salinillas Route from Río Yeso, Termas del Plomo. Route to Portezuelo Piuquenes. Campsites.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails.

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:35,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Volcán San José

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 7.500

Normal route to San José volcano, Refugio Plantat and campsites. Routes from Mesoncito to Morro Escondido and Cerro Mohai. Cajón de la Engorda to Cerro Andrade; Valle de Colina with Cajón de Nieves Negras and Cerro Puntiagudo, Baños de Colina.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails.

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:35,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Nevados de Chillán

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 7.500

Ascent routes to Chillán Viejo, Chillan Nuevo and Nevado de Chillán. Hiking trails to Valle Aguas Calientes, Laguna Huemul, Palo Huacho; Refuge Garganta del Diablo and the former refuges Shangri-La and Waldorf. Ski center and village Las Trancas.

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:30,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Volcán Antuco /
Sierra Velluda

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 8.500

Antuco volcano with the ascent route from the ski center (Ruta Normal), from Campamento Los Barros and Ruta Este from Laguna Laja. Route to the pass and the northern summit of the Sierra Velluda. Trails to Meseta del Toro, Anfiteatro and Saltos El Torbellino and Las Chilcas. Campsites and refuges.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails.
Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:35,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Volcán Callaqui

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 8.500

Normal Route along Estero Epún - El Turbio, Northwest Route, Western Route from Chipanco, Southern Route from the Malla River. Camps and sites with drinking water.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:30,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Volcán Tolhuaca

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 8.500

Tolhuaca volcano with normal route from Laguna Blanca, nearby trails and camping areas. Cordón Los Dedos, Cajón La Holandesa. Lagunas Blanca and Verde.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:30,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Volcán Lonquimay

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 8.500

Ascent route to Loquimay volcano from the Corralco ski center and from Paso Lolco. Hiking trails, Cráter Navidad and Escorial Lonquimay. Cordillera Las Mellizas, Sierra de los Colorados. Cuesta Las Raíces and Centro Invernal Los Arenales.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:30,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.


54 x 60 / 19 x 13 cms.

Ch$ 5.500

Valley of Cautín river between Manzanar and Malalacahuello. Cuesta Las Raíces and the ski centers Corralco and Los Arenales. Ascent routes to the volcanoes Lonquimay and Tolhuaca. Hiking trails Travesía, Colorado, Coloradito, Río Cautín, Río Mellizas, Cráter Navidad, Laguna Totora. Campsites, refuges and viewpoints.
Shows coordinates of important point.

Hiking, 1:50,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Nevados de Sollipulli

65 x 80 / 19 x 13 cms.

Ch$ 7.500

Routes to Llaima volcano from the ski center Araucarias, from de refuges Nevados de Vilcún (formerly Paraguas) and from Captrén and Laguna Verde. Ruta Travesía Sierra Nevada (Norte/Sur) with descent to Cajón de Río Blanco. Hiking trails Laguna Espejo, Carpinteros, Contrabandista, Sendero de Chile, Nevados de Sollipulli routes Norte and Sur, Laguna Cochor, Geysers de Alpehue. Refuges and campsites
Hiking, Mountaineering, 1:50,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Sierra Nevada

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 7.500

Ascent routes from Malalcahuello (Ruta Norte and Ruta Centinela), from Conguillío lake (Ruta Sierra Nevada Sur) and from Laguna Espejo. Route to Cajón del Río Blanco with the hot springs La Vaca and El Toro. Piedra El Sapo. Campsites, viewpoints and services at the Lago Conguillío area.

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:30,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Volcán Llaima

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 8.500

Llaima volcano with ascent routes from ski center Las Araucarias and from refuge Nevados de Vilcún (formerly Los Paraguas) and from Laguna Verde. Partially route from the north (Captrén).
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:30,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Nevados de Sollipulli

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 7.500

Route to Cumbre Norte from Chufquén and to Cumbre Sur from Laguna Cochor, as well as the crossing of the glacier (only experts). Lakes Cochor and Ruminani. Lodge Nevados de Sollipulli, Curimeno pass.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:30,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Volcán Villarrica

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 7.500

Ascent route to the crater fom ski center Skipucon. Trails Challupén-Chinay (first part of the Villarrica Traverse), Mirador los Cráteres, Glaciar Voipir, Pichillancahue and Los Nevados.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails

Mountaineering, Trekking, Cross-country skiing, 1:34,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Volcán Lanín

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 8.500

Ascent routes Normal (Argentina) and Ruta Chilena. Refuges and campsites, International pass Mamuil Malal. Lagos Andinos trail with lakes Escondida, Huinfiuca and Plato; Momolluco trail.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails

Mountaineering, Trekking, Cross-country skiing, 1:30,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Volcán Mocho Choshuenco

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 8.500

Ascent route from Reserva Nacional (near Enco) from the Conaf ranger station, passing Tumba del Buey to the peaks of Mocho and Choshuenco. Route from the ski center Bosque Nevado (Huilo Huilo reserve) to Mocho volcano. Campsites and refuges.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:25,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Volcán Puyehue

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 8.500

Puyehue volcano and part of Cordón Caulle (Cerro Los Baños), with ascent route from Caulle refuge. Trails to Camp Río de Lava, Baños Ponce, Geyser/Fumaroles Zone, Camp Caiquén and Baños Norte.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:30,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m..

Volcán Casablanca

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 7.500

Casablanca volcano with ascent routes from the Raihuén crater and from the upper lift of the Antillanca ski center. Beginning of the trails towards Pampa Frutilla and Gaviotas. Trails Laguna Paraíso, Aguas Calientes and Cerro Hayque. Refuges and serveces of Antillanca ski center.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails
Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:30,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Volcán Puntiagudo

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 8.500

Ascent route from the norhern side, Puerto El Poncho / Lago Rupanco. Cordón Cenizos. Campsites.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:30,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Volcán Osorno

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 7.500

Normal ascent route from the ski center and northern route from Paso Desolación. Trails to Mirador Cráter Rojo and Cerro La Picada.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:25,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Monte Tronador

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 7.500

Monte Tronador with ascent route from the Argentinian side. Refuges Meiling, Tronador and Agustino Rocca. Partially Paso de las Nubes trail
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:36,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Volcán Calbuco

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 7.500

Ascent routes from the south (Río Blanco/Ruta Normal) and from the north (Río Tepu - La Isla). Campsites, refuges and viewpoints.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:30,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Ruta de los Jesuitas
Paso Vuriloche

68 x 48 / 16 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 7.500

Starting points of the trail from Ralún, Ensenada Cayutué and Brazo Río Blanco. Campsites, refuges and settler houses on the trail. Monte Tronador with ascent route from Refugio Meiling. Paso de las Nubes, Cerro Volcánico Este.
Shows coordinates of important points.
Hiking, Mountaineering, 1:50,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m

Valle de Cochamó
Paso El León

60 x 50 / 22 x 14 cms.

Ch$ 7.500

Side 1: Cochamó valley from El Morro to the areas of La Junta, El Arco and lake Vidal Gormaz up to Paso El León (Río Manso), with trails, refuges and campsites and a table with distances.
Side 2: Río Manso valley from Torrentoso to its confluence with the Río Puelo. Enlarged insert 1:30,000 of the La Junta area with the routes to the climbing walls. Arcoiris, Capicua, Trinidad, Quick Dick and Amfiteatro hills.
Shows coordinates of important points.
Hiking, Rock climbing, 1:50,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m

Volcán Yates

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 7.500

Yates volcano with ascent route from the northeast, Puente Llaguepe. Camps 1 and 2. Cordillera Pululil.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails

Mountaineering, Cross-country skiing, 1:28,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Parque Nacional
Cerro Castillo

68 x 48/ 16 x 12. cms.

Ch$ 7.500

It shows the Cerro Castillo National Park from Lake Monreal to Villa Cerro Castillo with all its routes and campsites.
Includes the trail to Lago Tamango south of the Río Ibáñez.

Hiking, Mountaineering, 1:50,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m

Cerro Castillo

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 8.500

Central area of the Cordillera Castillo with the mountains Castillo, Peñón, Palo and Puntudo. Trails to the lakes Duff, Castillo and others unnamed. Ascent routes to the mountains Castillo, Puntudo, La Montura and Punta Duff. Campsites Neozelandés, Los Porteadores, La Tetera and El Bosque.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails

Mountaineering, Trekking, 1:25,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Parque Nacional Patagonia

81 x 65 / 21 x 14 cms.

Ch$ 8.500

It covers the area of the old Jenimeini and Tamango reserves that together with a private park form the new Patagonia National Park. It shows the trails Travesía Aviles, Lagunas Altas, Los Valles, Mirador del Polaco and Lago Gutierrez Route. Campsites Valle Hermoso, El Silencio, Westwind; shelters and posts.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails.
1:50,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Monte San Lorenzo

30 x 42 / 15 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 7.500

Shows the normal route to the main peak, Refugio Rohrer, Paso El Comedor, Brecha de Cornisa, the camps 1 and 2; Fundo San Lorenzo, house of Luis Soto, Cordón Cochrane, Cordón Feruglio. Cerro Ortúzar. Lake and glacier Calluqueo and the access road X-801.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails

Mountaineering, 1:36,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.

Torres del Paine

81 x 65 / 21 x 14 cms.

Ch$ 8.500

Side 1: From Laguna Azul to Hotel Lago Grey.
Side 2: From the lakes Grey y Pingo to the South Patagonian Icefield.
Trails "W-Traverse" and "O-Circuit", to the Pingo valley, lakes Verde and Azul, to Base Torres and Valle del Silencio. Routes Cerro Zapata, Paso Oggioni, Cerro Paine and Valle Bander. Shelters, campsites and hotels.
Shows coordinates of important points, distances on trails.
Hiking, 1:50,000, UTM coordinates, equidistance contour lines 25 m.



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TravelAid · Ansorena 425 local 4 · Pucón · Chile · ·
Telefon/Fax (56) 452444040 · Mobile phone (56) 9-93536886 · ·