Ansorena 425 local 4 · Pucón · Chile · · · Phone/Fax (56) 452444040 · Mobile phone (56) 9-93536886
Home > Excursions > Rent a GPS > Geo Referred Data
Geo Referred Data


Geo referred data to use in your GPS device
(Tracks, Waypoints and Routes)

We have geo referred data of all the excursions described in “Hikes”. Each package consists of one or several tracks, the corresponding waypoints and the route. In that way the user can choose how to navigate.

If you want to rent one of our GPS devices, you can tell us which data you need to load on it, with no additional cost. There must be a resonable relation between the renting period and the required data (you cannot rent the device only one day and ask for data for several day trips).

For people with their own devices, we can sell them just the data. The archives are in the form *.gpx (GPS Exchange File) which are recognized by most of the equipments. They are elaborated in UTM19 and Datum WGS84 (only matters when you work along with a map, the equipment transforms the data automatically to the unit you want).

NOTE: For coordination purposes, the rental of the equipment and the purchase of geo referred data should be requested a couple of days in advance via e-mail.

IMPORTANT: Handling the rented GPS device, as well the geo referred data we provide, is exclusive responsability of the user. We tried to create it with the most possible accuracy, but we cannot exclude that there may be errors and/or measuring imprecisons.
We refuse responsability if you get lost and/or suffer an accident. A GPS device is a wonderful help for orientation and navigation, but does not replace the necessary attention and use of commun sense by the excursionist.

List of data packages:

We have geo referred data of the following excursions. The most popular ones we provide with an explaining list of all waypoints.

We do have some more information from other areas (in the surroundings of Pucón) that are in working process. If you are looking for something in particular, please ask.

Villarrica-Traverse, First Part: Ski Center to Chinay
"Challupén - Chinay" Trail - Villarrica National Park

6 Tracks from the Ski Center to the end of the trail at the 4WD road Coñaripe-Palguín
132 Waypoints
2 Routes (one is the compete trail, and one is the 4WD road to the CONAF's rangers office at Chinay)

Price: $ 4.000

Villarrica-Traverse, Central Part: Chinay/Palguín Alto to Puesco
“Los Venados” and “Las Avutardas” Trails – Villarrica National Park

5 Tracks from the CONAF's ranger office at Chinay to the end of the trail at Camino Internacional Curarrehue - Paso Mamuil Malal (Tromen).
178 Waypoints
3 Routes (Chinay - Laguna Azul, Laguna Azul - Trail end, and Camino Internacional from the trail end to the CONAF's ranger office at Puesco.

Price: $ 5.000

Ascent to the Quetrupillán Volcano - Villarrica National Park

2 Tracks from the junction of the Palguín - Coñaripe road (Entarnce to Paraíso Escondido) to the summit of Quetrupillán volcano.
33 Waypoints
1 Routes from the junction of the Palguín - Coñaripe road to the summit of Quetrupillán volcano.

Price: $ 2.000

Ascent to the Villarrica Volcano - Villarrica National Park

1 Track from the Ski Center to the crater (the exact trail may change according to the snow conditions)
23 Waypoints
1 Route from the Ski Center to the crater

Price: $ 2.000

"Mirador Los Cráteres" Trail - Villarrica National Park

1 Track from the parking lot above Cuevas Volcánicas to the trail end
21 Waypoints
1 Route

Price: $ 2.000

"Pichillancahue" Trail - Villarrica National Park

1 Track
19 Waypoints
1 Route

Price: $ 2.000

"Los Nevados" Trail - Villarrica National Park

2 Tracks from the parking lot and start of Pichillancahue-trail to the junction at Los Nevados (capilla).
60 Waypoints
1 Route

Price: $ 2.000

Hike to the Valleys Turbio and Correntoso - Villarrica National Park

3 Tracks with access, circuit and Paso La Montura
68 Waypoints
1 Route

Price: $ 2.000

"Los Lagos" Trail - Huerquehue National Park

1 Tracks Circuito Chico or Grande
1 Route

Price: $ 2.000

Huerquehue Traverse to Termas Río Blanco - Huerquehue National Park

Complete package, including Circuito Grande and tracks to Camping Renahue, Termas Río Blanco and the trail in the Renahue valley to Lake Caburgua

Price $ 5.000

"Quinchol" and "San Sebastián" Trail - Huerquehue National Park

2 Tracks
2 Routes

Price: $ 2.000

Laguna Huesquefilo - Villarrica National Reserve

3 Tracks Trail ta Laguna Huesquefilo, access to the Reserve on both banks of río Reigolil
3 Routes

Price: $ 3.000

El Cañi Sanctuary

3 Tracks Trail to the Mirador (Lookout), paths and detours around the lagoons, alternative exit to Coilaco
3 Routes

Price: $ 3.000


Handling the rented GPS device, as well the geo referred data we provide, is exclusive responsability of the user. We tried to create it with the most possible accuracy, but we cannot exclude that there may be errors and/or measuring imprecisons.
We refuse responsability if you get lost and/or suffer an accident. A GPS device is a wonderful help for orientation and navigation, but does not replace the necessary attention and use of commun sense by the excursionist.



Tinquilco lake - Los Lagos Trail

Pichi Turbio waterfall

Calabozo hills- Trail Los Cráteres

Climbing the Quetrupillán

Volcanoes Lanín and Quetrupillán from the Mirador del Cañi

Huesquefilo Lagoon with the snow covered Sollipulli

Buried forest - Trail Nevados

Huerquehue lagoon

Heading towards the Lanín in the trail Challupén - Chinay

For more information, please contact us at:

TravelAid · Ansorena 425 local 4 · Pucón · Chile · ·
Phone/Fax (56) 452444040 · Mobile phone (56) 9-93536886 · ·