Ansorena 425 local 4 · Pucón · Chile · · · Phone/Fax (56) 452444040 · Mobile phone (56) 9-93536886
Home > Maps > Listed by Publisher > Aoneker
Aoneker / PixMap
Andes Profundo
Chiletur Copec (Turistel)
Antique Maps
Entire Chile
Northern Chile
(Arica to Los Vilos)
Central Chile
(Los Vilos to Chillán)
Southern Chile
Chillán to Puerto Montt

Patagonian Chile
(South from Pto. Montt)

Central Argentina
(Mendoza to Bariloche)
Southern Argentina
(El Bolsón to T. Fuego)


Aoneker / PixMap.

A serie of maps made by a group of cartographers and mountaineers. They cover different national parks and mountains in both Argentina and Chile. Excellent geographic information, contour lines and relief, with grid and coordinates in UTM and Long./Lat. (WGS84) plus magnetic declination. They are very good for trekking purpouses and can be used along with a GPS. They show regular paths and also some less used, but not all maps include campsites and times for walks.
Some maps were published under the branch PixMap in a different layout, but with the same cartographic standards. New maps are now published with both names.

This company offers the possibility to buy "maps on demand" of areas that are no of massive interest and don't justify a commercial printing, or if a previous edition is sold out. They are printed by units and are about 50% more expensive than a normal edition. Of some of these maps we have a few copies in stock, others we can get within 2-4 weeks. At the bottom of this page we put a list with some titles. Please ask us for more details or other possible areas.

San Pedro de Atacama

72 x 55 / 19,5 x 12,5 cms.

Ch$ 7.000

Side 1: Surroundings of San Pedro de Atacama, from Chiu Chiu and Laguna Colorada (Bolivia) to Paso de Sico, including Geisers del Tatio, Valle de la Luna, Salar de Atacama and the lagoons of Tara, Miscanti and Miñiques.
Road map, orientation, 1:300.000
Side 2: Inserts with details of Quebrada San Pedro, Lascar volcano and Licancabur volcano.
Trekking, 1:65.000 y 1:50.000


72 x 55 / 19,5 x 12,5 cms.

Ch$ 6.000

Side 1: Mount Aconcagua main massive, shows the different ascent routes - Mountaineering; 1:60.000, contour interval is 25 m
Side 2: The whole Cordón del Plata, in the surroundings of the ski center Vallecitos, a popular spot to get aclimate before climbing Aconcagua. With the routes to the hills Agustín Álvarez, Rincón, Vallecitos, Negro and Plata (5930 msnm).
Mountaineering; 1:50.000, contour interval is 25 m

Aconcagua 1:25.000 -
Parque Provincial Aconcagua

42,5 x 60 / 21,5 x 12,5 cms.

Ch$ 6.000

Lado 1: Macizo central del Cerro Aconcagua, con diferentes rutas de ascenso. Río Horcones Superior, Plaza de Mulas; Campamentos y refugios.
Montañismo 1:25.000, equidistancia curvas nivel 25 m
Lado 2: Parque Provincial Aconcagua, entre Punta de Vacas, Las Cuevas y el Límite Internacional. Senderismo, 1:100.000, equidistancia curvas nivel 25 m

Paloma / El Plomo

60 x 42,5 / 21,5 x 12,5 cms.

Special map, printed on demand - Ch$ 7.000

Routes to hills Paloma, Plomo and Leonera; Farellones, La Parva and Valle Nevado, Yerba Loca Natural Sanctuary

Mountaineering, Trekking; 1:50.000, contour interval is 25 m

Villarrica Traverse
Pucón - Volcanes Villarrica y Quetrupillán

60 x 42,5 / 21,5 x 12,5 cms.

Ch$ 8.000

Side 1: Surrounding of Villlarica volcano, from Pucón to Termas Vergara and Palguín valley. Trails Challupén, Los Cráteres, Pichillancahue/Nevados, Valle Turbio, Ruta Volcán and many more.
Side 2: Quetrupillán volcano from Palguín Alto to Puesco and Curarrehue. Trails Venados, Avutarda, Huililco, Quinquilil, ascent route to Quetrupillán, etc.
Mountaineering, Trekking; 1:50.000, contour interval is 25 m
UTM coordinates every 2500 meters.

Ruta de los 7 Lagos
San Martín al Vn. Lanín

60 x 42,5 / 21,5 x 12,5 cms.

Ch$ 7.000

Side 1: From lake Lacar to Nahuelhuapi, San Martín de los Andes, Villa Angostura, Villa and lake Truful, Confluencia
Side 2: From Lanin volcano to San Martín de los Andes with the lakes Tromen, Paimún, Huechulafquén, Currhué, Lolog and Lacar.
Shows several trekking routes.

Orientation, Trekking 1:150.000, contour interval is 50 m

S. C. de Bariloche y Villa La Angostura

42,5 x 60 / 21,5 x 12,5 cms.

Ch$ 7.000

Side 1: From lake Nahuel Huapi (Arm Blest) until lake Guillermo, all of the central part of the NP Nahuel Huapi with Mount Tronador, hills Negro and Catedral with its trails, refuges, campsites and hostels.
Side 2: Northern part of lake Nahuel Huapi until the lakes Traful and Espejo, from the Puyehue Pass (a.k.a Samoré) until the confluence of the rivers Traful and Cuyín Manzano. Shows many hotels and campsites and also some trails.
General orientation, Trekking; 1:125.000

San Carlos de Bariloche

42,5 x 60 / 21,5 x 12,5 cms.

Ch$ 6.000

Bariloche to Colonia Suiza with the hills Catedral, López, Negro and Cuernos del Diablo; trails to the Traverse Nahuel Huapi from Villa Catedral - Refugio Jakob - Refugio Laguna Negra (Segre) - Colonia Suiza

Trekking; 1:50.000, contour interval is 25 m

Monte Tronador
Paso de las Nubes

42,5 x 60 / 21,5 x 12,5 cms.

Ch$ 6.000

Mount Tronador with the ascent routes, trail "Paso de las Nubes" between Pampa Linda and Puerto Frías; plus the area of the hills Bonete, Capitán, Constitución and Parque; arm Tristeza from the Lake Nahuelhuapi, lagoons Frey, Ilón and Azul

Trekking; 1:50.000, contour interval is 25 m

Cerro Castillo

60 x 42,5 / 21,5 x 12,5 cms.

Ch$ 7.000

Side 1: Area north of Cerro Castillo until the lakes Azul, Paloma and Monreal. Entry trails from Monreal and Horquetas Grande.
Side 2: From Cerro Castillo mountains to Río Ibáñez valley, with campsites El Bosque, La Tetera and Neozelandés..
Trekking 1:50.000, contour interval is 25 m

Chaltén y Campos de Hielo Sur
Lagos del Desierto y O'Higgins

42,5 x 60 / 21,5 x 12,5 cms.

Ch$ 7.000

Side 1: From Lago del Desierto to lake and glacier Viedma with roads, trails and navigation routes, campsites and refuges.
General orientation 1:125.000, contour interval is 50 m
Side 2: Shows the area south of Lago O'Higgins, especially the adventure route that leads from Candelario Mansilla, passing the Lago del Desierto, to reach the road to El Chaltén.
Trekking 1:80.000, contour interval is 25 m

Fitz Roy & Cerro Torre
Glaciar Viedma - Paso del Viento - Paso Huemul

42,5 x 60 / 21,5 x 12,5 cms.

Ch$ 7.000

Side 1: From the town of Chaltén to the Southern Icefield with the hills Marconi, Fitz Roy, Torre and Grande; trails to the lagoons Torre, de los Tres and lake Eléctrico, with all the campsites and refuges.
Side 2: Covers the area between lake and glacier Viedma, shows the trekking circuit around Cerro Huemul through Paso del Viento and Paso Huemul.
Trekking 1:50.000, contour interval is 25 m

Ushuaia y Alrededores

42,5 x 60 / 21,5 x 12,5 cms.

Ch$ 7.000

Side 1: National Park Tierra del Fuego, between the Beagle Channel, Lake Fagnano, International Border and Lake Escondido; trails in the area of Lapataia, along the Beagle Channel and Lake Fagnano
Lado 2: Area of the lakes Fagnano, Yehuin and Chepelmuth; Reserva Provincial "Corazón de la Isla"
Trekking; 1:100.000, contour interval is 25 m





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TravelAid · Ansorena 425 local 4 · Pucón · Chile · ·
Phone/Fax (56) 452444040 · Mobile phone (56) 9-93536886 · ·