Ansorena 425 local 4 · Pucón · Chile · · · Phone/Fax (56) 452444040 · Mobile phone (56) 9-93536886
Home > Maps > Listed by geographic zone > Northern Chile
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Andes Profundo
Chiletur Copec (Turistel)
Antique Maps
Entire Chile
Northern Chile
(Arica to Los Vilos)
Central Chile
(Los Vilos to Chillán)
Southern Chile
Chillán to Puerto Montt

Patagonian Chile
(South from Pto. Montt)

Central Argentina
(Mendoza to Bariloche)
Southern Argentina
(El Bolsón to T. Fuego)


Northern Chile - Arica to Los Vilos:

Nº 1 Lauca y Surire

68 x 100 / 27 x 15 cms.

Ch$ 6.000

Side 1: From Visviri and Arica to to Pisagua and Chusmiza.

Side 2: From Huara to Tocopilla and Chuquicamata

Road Map, 1:400.000

Nº 2 San Pedro de Atacama y
Salar de Maricunga

68 x 100 / 27 x 15 cms.

Ch$ 6.000

Side 1: From Chuquicamata and Oficina María Elena to Cerro Llullaillaco.

Side 2: From Paposo to Caldera and Ojos del Salado

Road Map, 1:400.000

San Pedro de Atacama
Spanish, English, German

69 x 88 / 17,5 x 13 cms.
on stone paper

Ch$ 7.500

Side 1: Surroundings of the Atacama Saltlake, from the volcanoes San Pedro and San Pablo in the north until Tilomonte/Sico Pass in the south. Includes Calama, Chuquicamata, Jama Pass and the toursitic attractions of the Tatio Geysers, Licancabur volcano, Tara saltlake, lagoons Miscanti and Chaxa, etc. - 1:350.000
Side 2: Surroundings of San Pedro, Moon and Death Valleys, Tulor, Quitor, Catarpe, and the other ayllus, 1.50.000. San Pedro city map with listing of touristic adresses.

San Pedro de Atacama

72 x 55 / 19,5 x 12,5 cms.

Ch$ 7.000

Side 1: Surroundings of San Pedro de Atacama, from Chiu Chiu and Laguna Colorada (Bolivia) to Paso de Sico, including Geisers del Tatio, Valle de la Luna, Salar de Atacama and the lagoons of Tara, Miscanti and Miñiques.
Road map, orientation, 1:300.000
Side 2: Inserts with details of Quebrada San Pedro, Lascar volcano and Licancabur volcano.
Trekking, 1:65.000 y 1:50.000

Nº 3 Copiapó Elqui

68 x 100 / 27 x 15 cms.

Ch$ 6.000

Side 1: From Copiapó to La Higuera / Cuesta Buenos Aires

Side 2: From Cuesta Pajonales / Quebrada Honda to Los Vilos.

Road Map, 1:400.000

Rapa Nui
Isla de Pascua / Easter Island
Español, english, deutsch

55 x 60 / 19 x 12 cms.

Ch$ 5.500

Side 1: Entire Easter Island with all roads and trails, touristic highlights, archeological sites, etc.
Scale 1:50.000, coordenates in Lat/Long

Side 2: City map of Hanga Roa with tourist services, lodging, restaurants, etc. Scale 1:7.000



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TravelAid · Ansorena 425 local 4 · Pucón · Chile · ·
Phone/Fax (56) 452444040 · Mobile phone (56) 9-93536886 · ·