Ansorena 425 local 4 · Pucón · Chile · · · Phone/Fax (56) 452444040 · Mobile phone (56) 9-93536886
Home > Maps > Listed by Publisher > Compass
Aoneker / PixMap
Andes Profundo
Chiletur Copec (Turistel)
Antique Maps
Entire Chile
Northern Chile
(Arica to Los Vilos)
Central Chile
(Los Vilos to Chillán)
Southern Chile
Chillán to Puerto Montt

Patagonian Chile
(South from Pto. Montt)

Central Argentina
(Mendoza to Bariloche)
Southern Argentina
(El Bolsón to T. Fuego)


It is a private editor in collaboration with the IGM (Instituto Geográfico Militar). Published at the end of 2010, this new collection of road maps covers Chile in 9 titles. They are printed on both sides on Polyart, a low-waste, water resistent and antireflex paper. The scale of 1:400.000 (1 cm = 4 km) allows to show roads with reasonable details. They don't use contour levels, but a very realistic relief gives a good idea of the terrain. Coordinates for GPS use. Different symbols indicate touristic attractions. A great help is also a complete index for finding determinated sites.
For a map detail in original size >

At the end of 2013, Compass started a collaboration with the Chilean gasoline company Copec and prepared a new edition sold as Chiletur Copec/Compass. The only difference is the folding and all Copec service stations are highlighted.
Compass / Chiletur Copec Edition 2025-2026:

Nº 1 Lauca y Surire

68 x 100 / 27 x 15 cms.

Ch$ 6.000

Side 1: From Visviri and Arica to to Pisagua and Chusmiza.

Side 2: From Huara to Tocopilla and Chuquicamata

Road Map, 1:400.000

Nº 2 San Pedro de Atacama y
Salar de Maricunga

68 x 100 / 27 x 15 cms.

Ch$ 6.000

Side 1: From Chuquicamata and Oficina María Elena to Cerro Llullaillaco.

Side 2: From Paposo to Caldera and Ojos del Salado

Road Map, 1:400.000

Nº 3 Copiapó Elqui

68 x 100 / 27 x 15 cms.

Ch$ 6.000

Side 1: From Copiapó to La Higuera / Cuesta Buenos Aires

Side 2: From Cuesta Pajonales / Quebrada Honda to Los Vilos.

Road Map, 1:400.000

Nº 4 Zona Central

68 x 100 / 27 x 15 cms.

Ch$ 6.000

Side 1: From Pichidangui to Rengo
Road Map, 1:400.000

Side 2:city maps of Santiago, Valparaíso and Viña del Mar

Nº 5 Maule, Biobío y Araucanía

68 x 100 / 27 x 15 cms.

Ch$ 6.000

Side 1: From Rengo and Pichilemu to Bulnes and Talcahuano.

Side 2: From Bulnes and Talcahuano to Lago Caburgua.

Road Map, 1:400.000

Nº 6 Villarrica, Llanquihue y Chiloé

68 x 100 / 27 x 15 cms.

Ch$ 6.000

Side 1: From Lago Villarrica to Puerto Montt.

Side 2: From Maullín and Puelo to La Junta.

Road Map, 1:400.000

Nº 7 Carretera Austral

68 x 100 / 27 x 15 cms.

Ch$ 6.000

Side 1: FromLa Junta to Puerto Ibañez / Lago General Carrera.

Side 2: From Chile Chico / Lago General Carrera to Villa O'Higgins.

Road Map, 1:400.000

Nº 8 Campos de Hielo y
Torres del Paine

68 x 100 / 27 x 15 cms.

Ch$ 6.000

Side 1: From Lago O'Higgins to Torres del Paine and Cerro Castillo.
Road Map, 1:400.000

Side 2: From Cerro Castillo to Seno Almirantazgo
Road Map, 1:550.000

Nº 9 Tierra del Fuego
Antártica Chilena

68 x 100 / 27 x 15 cms.

Ch$ 6.000

Side 1: From Río Grande (Argentina) to Islas Diego Ramírez
Road Map, 1:550.000

Side 2: All Antartica at scale 1:5.000.000, details of the South Shetland Islands

Decorative Wall Maps:

Physical Map of Chile

140 x 40 cms / rolled

Ch$ 19.900

Entire Chile in a long wall map. Shows relief, the main cities, regional boundaries and protected areas. Printed on stone paper with metallic support at both ends for easy hanging.

Escala aprox 1:3.000.000

Mapa de Chile

140 x 40 cms / rolled

Ch$ 19.900

Map of Chile showing the main original inhabitants of Chile. Contains illustrations of the aborigines from north to south with elements that highlight their customs, traditions and culture Printed on stone paper with metallic support at both ends for easy hanging.

Escala aprox 1:3.000.000

World Map Physiscal / Political on reverse

70 x 100 cms / rolled

Ch$ 22.000

Side One: Shows nations in different colours, international boundaries and the principal cities.
Side Two: Shows relief, vegetation zones, international boundaries and the principal cities.
Printed on stone paper,with plastic bar ready to hang.

Other Products:

Mapa de Chile

100 x 70 / 27 x 11,5 cms.

Ch$ 8.000

Entire Chile in a plastified map, without relief but with contour levels.
Side 1: From Visviri to Temuco, in 2 stripes.
Side 2: From Freire to Puerto Natales in 2 stripes, Punta Arenas and Tierra del Fuego in a insert.
Road map, 1:1.300.000

Trekking Alrededores de Santiago
M.Osandón - J.Gardeweg -
Editorial Compass 2017

20 x 13 cms./ 112 pages
Ch$ 13.000

This guide is an interesting proposal of excursions around Santiago, that includes clasic routes and also new ones, like the coastal trekking which links Horcón with Maitencillo and a visit to the refugio Plantat at San José de Maipo volcano. The 37 excursions are meant to be made in one day, many of them with the family, hence the order from less to more difficulty. Each one has detailled maps and photographs of the routes, and also mentions the flora and fauna of the central region and gives practical advice and recommendations.

Trekking por Chile
M.Osandón - J.Gardeweg -
Editorial Compass 2019

20 x 13 cms./ 192 pages
Ch$ 17.000

This trekking guide covers 45 routes of Chile from north to south, with a selection of the best trails. It goes from Parque Nacional del Lauca to Cabo Froward, south of Punta Arenas.
It has chapters for those who are starting this acitvity, and also advice for the experts. There is also a section about the flora and fauna you will find in the trails.
It has complete maps and photos of each of the treks, and videos that you can discharge with a QR code.
See an example of a trek >



For more information, please contact us at:

TravelAid · Ansorena 425 local 4 · Pucón · Chile · ·
Phone/Fax (56) 452444040 · Mobile phone (56) 9-93536886 · ·