Ansorena 425 local 4 · Pucón · Chile · · · Phone/Fax (56) 452444040 · Mobile phone (56) 9-93536886
Home > Maps > Decorative Maps
Aoneker / PixMap
Andes Profundo
Chiletur Copec (Turistel)
Antique Maps
Entire Chile
Northern Chile
(Arica to Los Vilos)
Central Chile
(Los Vilos to Chillán)
Southern Chile
Chillán to Puerto Montt

Patagonian Chile
(South from Pto. Montt)

Central Argentina
(Mendoza to Bariloche)
Southern Argentina
(El Bolsón to T. Fuego)


Decorative Maps (Posters):

Aves de Chile
Mapa Biogegráfico
Planeta Sostenible

120 x 31 / 40 x 31 cms.

Ch$ 10.300

Wall map containing 69 typical birds associated with the ecoregions where they are distributed. It includes information about its habitat and conservation status.

Animales de Chile
Mapa Biogegráfico
Planeta Sostenible

120 x 31 / 40 x 31 cms.

Ch$ 10.300

Wall map that contains illustrations of more than 90 animals of associated with the ecoregions where they live. Includes common name, scientific name and its distribution throughout Chile.

Physical Map of Chile

140 x 40 cms / rolled

Ch$ 19.900

Entire Chile in a long wall map. Shows relief, the main cities, regional boundaries and protected areas. Printed on stone paper with metallic support at both ends for easy hanging.

Escala aprox 1:3.000.000

Mapa de Chile

140 x 40 cms / rolled

Ch$ 19.900

Map of Chile showing the main original inhabitants of Chile. Contains illustrations of the aborigines from north to south with elements that highlight their customs, traditions and culture Printed on stone paper with metallic support at both ends for easy hanging.

Escala aprox 1:3.000.000

World Map Physiscal / Political on reverse

70 x 100 cms / rolled

Ch$ 22.000

Side One: Shows nations in different colours, international boundaries and the principal cities.
Side Two: Shows relief, vegetation zones, international boundaries and the principal cities.
Printed on stone paper,with plastic bar ready to hang.

Poster Volcán Villarrica
Karla Madsen

60 x 90 cms. rolled

Ch$ 19.000

Side 1: Aerial photograph of Volcán Villarrica, with the volcanoes Quetrupillán, Lanín and Mocho/Choshuenco in the background.
Side 2: The same image in shapes of grey, with the ascension routes marked on it. Description of GPS waypoints, brief information of the volcano in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

America Pars Meridionalis, 1632

48 x 57 cms. / rolled

Ch$ 6.000

Reproduction of Southamerica of the year 1632. Names in Latin and Dutch.
Printed in linen paper



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TravelAid · Ansorena 425 local 4 · Pucón · Chile · ·
Phone/Fax (56) 452444040 · Mobile phone (56) 9-93536886 · ·