Ansorena 425 local 4 · Pucón · Chile · · · Phone/Fax (56) 452444040 · Mobile phone (56) 9-93536886
Home > Maps > Listed by Publisher > Turistel
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Andes Profundo
Chiletur Copec (Turistel)
Antique Maps
Entire Chile
Northern Chile
(Arica to Los Vilos)
Central Chile
(Los Vilos to Chillán)
Southern Chile
Chillán to Puerto Montt

Patagonian Chile
(South from Pto. Montt)

Central Argentina
(Mendoza to Bariloche)
Southern Argentina
(El Bolsón to T. Fuego)


Chiletur Copec Guides:

The road maps that come with the Chiletur Copec guides (formerly published as "Turistel") are regularly updated and are, usually, very accurate when it comes to road information. They are published as a booklet, cutting Chile from north to south in several pieces. The scale is bigger in the central zone (more detailled map) and smaller in the country's far ends. Some editions include relief, but no counter lines.
In 2009, the Copec fuel company bought the publication rights and edits now the guide as "Chiletur Copec".
They are almost the same as Turistel (they used the same material), being the main difference the lack of publicity for hotels, stores, agencies, etc. In the maps, only Copec gas stations are mentioned 

For the folded Chiletur Copec maps published by Compass please see Editorial Compass >

Chiletur Copec CHILE
Spafax, 2023

22 x 12,5 cms./ 640 pags.

Ch$ 11.000

Tourist guide for the whole of Chile, collects the information from the North, Center and South volumes. It includes road maps of all of Chile (scales from approx. 1: 600,000 to 1: 1,100,000), hotel list, restaurants, attractions and services in general.

Chiletur Copec Rutas
Spafax, 2023

22 x 12,5 cms./ 112 pags.

Ch$ 4.000

Road map of all Chile. It divides the country into 20 strips from north to south. Scales between approximately 1:850,000 (central area) to 1:1,700,000 (North) and 1:2,000,000 (Extreme South).
60 pages with a description of the 100 main tourist attractions in the different regions.

Chiletur Trekking
Ladera Sur, 2023

18 x 12 cms./ 216 pags.

Ch$ 8.000

A new guide prepared by the Ladera Sur team that presents 25 different routes, between the Lauca NP to Isla Navarino, each one with general information, route description, photographs, height profile and a map. Most of them are excursions for the day, but also some multi-day-hikes are described, such as Tantauco, Cerro Castillo or Torres del Paine.



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TravelAid · Ansorena 425 local 4 · Pucón · Chile · ·
Phone/Fax (56) 452444040 · Mobile phone (56) 9-93536886 · ·