Ansorena 425 local 4 · Pucón · Chile · · · Telefon/Fax (56) 452444040 · Mobile phone (56) 9-93536886
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Villarrica Nationalpark:
  Mirador Los Cráteres
  Los Nevados
  Valle Turbio
  Quetrupillán Ascent
  Villarrica Traverse:
  First Part:
Ski Center - Chinay
("Challupén - Chinay")
  Central Part:
Chinay - Puesco ("Los Venados" and "Las Avutardas")
Huerquehue Nationalpark:
  Los Lagos Trail
  Quinchol and San Sebastián
Villarrica Nationalreservat:
  Laguna Huesquefilo
Andere Sektoren:
  Santuario El Cañi

Detaillierte Beschreibung von Wanderungen und Trekkings:
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Auf diesen Seiten stellen wir verschiedene Wanderungen in der Umgebung von Pucón und Curarrehue vor. Einige sind einfach und auch Personen mit wenig Erfahrung können sie alleine machen. Andere sind anspruchsvoller und Kenntnisse in Orientierung und Karthografie sind notwendig.

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Die meisten der beschriebenen Wanderungen führen durch Schutzgebiete wie Nationalparks oder Naturreservate. Manchmal erfolgt die Anfahrt über Privatwege. Es ist wichtig, diese privaten Landflächen zu respektieren, alle Viehzäune wieder sorgfältig zu schliessen und -wenn möglich- um Erlaubnis für die Durchfahrt zu fragen. Wenn ein Tor verschlossen ist und es kein Haus in der Nähe hat, wo man fragen könnte, muss das Fahrzeug so abgestellt werden, dass es niemandem die Durchfahrt versperrt. Normalerweise erlauben die Landbesitzer, dass man einem gut sichtbaren Pfad folgt - ausser es hat Schilder wie "Prohibida la Entrada" or "No Pasar". Bemühen Sie sich, so wenig Spuren wie möglich zu hinterlassen, alle Abfälle wider mitzunehmen, keine Pflanzen abzureissen oder Äste abzubrechen und Feuer nur an speziell dazu erlaubten Stellen zu entfachen.

"Mirador Los Cráteres" Trail - Villarrica National Park

It is a little known hike, eventhough it is close to Pucón. Its main attractions are the wonderfull views towards the volcano and the lake, and a bizarre formation of small craters inside a lava field.

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"Pichillancahue" Trail - Villarrica National Park

Interesting hike to the most accessible glacier of the Villarrica volcano. It doesn't match the typical image of a glacier, since it is covered with volcanic ashes. The trail starts in a beautiful araucaria forest and offers impressive views to five volcanoes.

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"Los Nevados" Trail - Villarrica National Park

Excursion that goes along the east side of the Villarrica volcano through a high volcanic desert, that sometimes looks like a moon landscape. You can see several ancient secondary craters and there is a good view towards the Quetrupillán, Lanín and Llaima, but you can seldom spot the top of the Villarrica itself.
It is possible to combine this excursions with the trail “Challupén – Chinay” and get almost all around the Villarrica in three days, or –making the hike the other way round- start here the traverse towards Laguna Los Patos and Puesco.

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Hike to the Valleys Turbio and Correntoso - Villarrica National Park

Interesting excursion that shows you the areas that were affected by ancient lahares (volcanic slides) and lava flows that created a number of waterfalls. It offers spectacular views to the Villarrica volcano and an impressive contrast between barren volcanic dumps and areas of lush forests. Eventhough the area is very close to Pucón, and some parts are inside the Villarrica National Park, it is not a very visited place.

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Ascent to the Quetrupillán Volcano - Villarrica National Park

The Quetrupillán, 2.382 meters high, is located just in the middle of the well known volcanoes Villarrica and Lanín. It is a good alternative for those who want to avoid the crowds that daily climb the Villarrica. The view is equaly spectacular, but it is not an active volcano. Many people consider its ascent more attractive, since part of if goes through a lush forest. Until the beginning of the summer (mid December) there are still snow fields, but no glaciers to be aware of.

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Villarrica-Traverse, First Part: Ski Center to Chinay
"Challupén - Chinay" Trail - Villarrica National Park

It is the first part of the famous trekking known as the “Villarrica Traverse”, which crosses through the namesake National Park, from the Villarrica volcano until Puesco, almost at the border with Argentina. This part gets around an active volcano through its west and south sides, offering spectacular views to its glaciers and lakes below. Most of the time the hike goes over the limit of the forest, the trail crosses areas of ancient lava flows, but also lush lenga and araucaria forests.

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Villarrica-Traverse, Central Part: Chinay/Palguín Alto to Puesco
“Los Venados” and “Las Avutardas” Trails – Villarrica National Park

It is the most popular excursion among the ones that last more than one day. It offers a wide variety of landscapes, from different kind of forests, highland pastures and marsh zones, to extensive volcanic dump areas and highland deserts. It also visits three lagoons that could not be more different from each other.
This trail is part of the “Sendero de Chile”, a project to connect the whole country through a pedestrian trail from north to south, and that should be finished by 2010 to commemorate the bicentenary of the Chilean Independence.

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"Los Lagos" Trail - Huerquehue National Park

It is the most popular excursion inside the Huerquehue N.P. Its main attraction are the ancient araucaria forests that surround the lakes in the upper part. Watching them is an overwhelming experiencie that makes us think about the smallnes of the human being in comparisson to Nature. In summer, the brave ones can even swim in the cold waters. You will also see a variety of birds, specially ducks, and with luck and patience, you will be able to see the woodpecker with its impressive red head.

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"Quinchol" and "San Sebastián" Trail - Huerquehue National Park

Inside the Huerquehue National Park there are other less visited trails than the one to the lakes. There is a trail that climbs the Cerro Quinchol, which lays east of the Tinquilco lake. From its summit there is a wonderful view to different volcanoes and mountains.
From Cerro Quinchol there is also the possiblity to extend the excursion through the trail San Sebastián until reaching the summit of the namesake mountain, which with almost 2000 meters height is one of the highest in the park.

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Laguna Huesquefilo - Villarrica National Reserve

Short hike towards a remote lagoon in the middle of the Andes, surrounded by araucarias. It offers spectacular views towards the snow covered summit of the Sollipulli. However, since it is at a considerable distance from Pucón, it is better to combine this circuit with other excursions, instead of making it a day hike.

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El Cañi Sanctuary

El Cañi is small private protected reservation area, on the way to Huife. Its main attractions are the breath taking araucarias, several small highland lagoons and the most impressive view in 360° of the region.

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Tinquilco lake - Los Lagos Trail

Pichi Turbio waterfall

Calabozo hills- Trail Los Cráteres

Climbing the Quetrupillán

Volcanoes Lanín and Quetrupillán from the Mirador del Cañi

Huesquefilo Lagoon with the snow covered Sollipulli

Buried forest - Trail Nevados

Huerquehue lagoon

Heading towards the Lanín in the trail Challupén - Chinay

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TravelAid · Ansorena 425 local 4 · Pucón · Chile · Telefon/Fax (56) (45) 244 40 40 · · Mobile phone(56) 9-93536886